Making the decision to work with a marketing agency can be a big deal. It is a decision that is likely to take many months of planning, or deliberation and questioning – and that could all be before you issue your RFP.
The relationship that you have with your agency is absolutely crucial to the success of your marketing strategy. The more effectively that you and your agency work together, the more likely you are to succeed.
So why do some client-agency relationships strain?
The guide tackles some of the key pain points faced by both sides of the relationship, and suggests ways to not only support your agency, but also how to challenge them.
Our free step guide will explore:
- The most common pain-points of client-agency relationships.
- How you can identify and resolve emerging digital challenges.
- How and what your agency should be reporting on.
- How you can ensure that you have the right team within your agency and organisation.
Download your free copy.