It seems as if 100 days has suddenly become the new standard milestone. It is the milestone at which we begin to judge new world leaders, and it seems that in the world of business, 100 days is also a key red letter mark on the calendar.
Whether you are new to a digital role, entering a new role in a different organisation, or simply looking to change your approach in the face of new challenges, the first 100 days can be crucial in setting and executing your strategic vision.
In order to help marketers to look at their strategy and the business challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought, we have made our 100 Day Plan guide free-to-access. You can download it now without completing any forms or sharing any contact data.
This guide will explain how you can start to do just that. By working with key stakeholders and dedicating your efforts in the right areas, you can make your first 100 days a resounding success.
This guide will discuss:
- Precisely where you need to be focusing your efforts over the course of your first 100 days for maximum impact.
- How to gather the insights that will help you drive through transformational change.
- Methods for aligning key stakeholders, and getting other departments to buy into and support your strategy.
- How to make an immediate impact in the short term, and plan and measure your impact in the long term.
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What you'll get from this guide.
Alongside actionable checklists, advice and ideas our guide will show you how to:
- Identify where and how you should be focusing your efforts over your first 100 days.
- Align the key stakeholders needed to support your digital strategy.
- Gather the data points you will need in order to drive digital change in your organisation.