We know our readers are always pushed for time juggling work, travel, family and fun but, are still keen to keep in touch with what’s going on in the world of digital. So, we’ve created a regular, bite-size snapshot of industry news to keep you fully up to date on the biggest developments in digital.

And the best news, it will only take you a Digital Minute.

Broadcast every two weeks (and hopefully every week in coming months) we’ll be bringing you the latest digital news - from big announcements and algorithm changes through to emerging trends and tips. We’ll also be providing analysis of every story featured on our blog to provide you with more detail, when you’ve got a bit more time, on how each and every story affects you and your brand.

Digital Minute episodes already live

Our latest episode looks at the Apple conference as well as big changes predicted at Twitter.

Plus, we’ve also filmed episodes on the Facebook like-gating ban, Tesco’s Google Glass app, the release of Microsoft Cortana to UK developers and the big talking points from Google I/O which you can view on our video hub at www.stickyeyes.com/video.

But to ensure you don’t miss future editions, why not subscribe?

How to subscribe

To ensure you don’t miss an episode, we’ve ensured you can subscribe in whatever ways suits you. You'll find Digital Minute on:

We hope you’ll find the series useful and would to hear your comments and feedback.

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