Download our BrightonSEO content pack

Thanks for joining us at BrightonSEO! We hope you found our sessions, whether you were there in-person or catching up online, useful.
You can now download all of the slides from both Stickyeyes and Reprise, as well as our free Search Experience guide, as part of our BrightonSEO Content Pack.
In this pack you will get:
- The presentation slides from Stickyeyes’ Jack Nottidge and his session; Understanding User Journeys and Search Intent.
- The presentation slides from Reprise Media’s Tasha Amponsah-Antwi’s and her session; Integrating audience insights into your SEO approach for fashion and beauty brands.
- Our latest whitepaper on search marketing and customer experience; The Power of Experience in Search.
To get access to all of that great content, simply fill in the form and check your inbox!