The rise of ad blocking software has now given online users the ability to control how they interact with digital advertising.
The advantage for users is an undisrupted browsing experience, however it can cause issues for advertisers and brands.
Statistics have led to growing concerns for content publishers with traditional ad revenue falling, nonetheless this presents huge opportunities for brands that are investing in creating quality branded content.
We have looked at what this could mean in more detail over on our blog.
Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Digital Minute. This week, we’re weighing in on the debate about ad blockers.
Ad blocking has been very much in the news this week, following Apple’s announcement that one will be included in iOS9.
Ad blocking has grown by 41% in the last year, with almost 200 million now using the software every month. That will come at a cost to publishers by over $40 billion next year.
Now not only does this cause problems for advertisers, it also is a big issue for brands. Evidence suggests that ad blocking software can potentially prevent retail site elements from showing, can cause issues with analytics software and, of course, can lessen the impact of your ad campaigns.
There’s lots of discussion around how many publishers and brands will overcome this challenge. UNICEF recently ran an “unblockable” banner ad on the homepage of a Swedish newspaper, CITY AM is hiding its content to anyone with an ad blocker, whilst other sites have paywalls.
But we think that the answer for brands lies in both social advertising and branded content. We've discussed why we think that is over on our blog. And why not download our social advertising whitepaper which explains the ins and outs of social ads.
Thanks for watching. I’m Josh Westerman, and that was your Digital Minute.
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