Changes to the way in which Google displays mobile apps in search results could make it easier for brands to get their mobile applications discovered.
Google will essentially start 'streaming' applications from the Google Play store to mobile users, meaning that they won't have to download an app to their device just to access the content.
The development could be a huge benefit to brands that rely heavily on their mobile app, and we have explained why on our blog.
Video Transcript
Hello and welcome to Digital Minute, this week we’re looking at Google’s new app streaming capabilities.
Google has recently announced that it will be making significant changes in the way content will surface from mobile applications.
Google is currently testing the ability for apps to no longer require matching web content in order for them to be indexed, all you now need to do is implement Google’s app indexing API and there you have it, your app based content for all to see.
Google’s second announcement, introducing application streaming, promises to be quite beneficial for brands such as Hotels Tonight, who primarily rely on app installations.
The actual process is very simple, users will click on the blue link within Google’s search results and if they don’t have the app already on their device, will be given the option to run a streamed version. The app will then respond in exactly the same way as if you had the content installed.
However this feature isn’t available to everyone just yet. Currently Google are still testing user response rates in the US before implementing a wider global introduction.
We’ve delved deeper into this on-going development and what it means for your brand over on our blog.
Thanks for watching. I’m Jamie Shaw, and that was your Digital Minute.
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