But in the wake of the Logan Paul scandal, Google’s proposed changes have caused concern amongst high profile content creators, who will lose out from the new policy, and from brands who are now facing fewer advertising opportunities and potentially higher costs in order to reach audiences on YouTube.
The strict new guidelines will, Google hopes, restore some confidence in the platform amongst advertisers, and Digital Minute looks at just what is changing, and what the likely impact will be.
Video Transcript
Hello, I’m Jack, and on this edition of Digital Minute, we’re unpicking the details from the big changes to Google’s advertising policies.
There has been a lot of discussion in the past week about new changes that Google is introducing to its advertising policy on YouTube, with brands and content creators caught in the middle of what seems to be a delicate balancing act.
In the aftermath of the Logan Paul scandal, Google has brought in strict new criteria for how content creators can monetize their videos. It now insists that publishers must have 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of watched time over a 12 month period, with the change coming in February.
It means that many prominent YouTube publishers will be unable to show ads on their content, affecting both them and the brands that are looking to reach that target audience.
Google is working hard to clean up the image of YouTube after a series of brand reputation scandals, but this move is bound to affect the media plans of many brands that see YouTube as an important media channel.
Of course, there’s a lot to go over with these new guidelines, and our experts have done that over on our blog. Thanks for watching, I’m Jack Nottidge, and that was your Digital Minute.
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