As user experience becomes a part of the Google alghorithm and as consumers expect more and more from their digital experiences, user testing is now more important than ever. Despite this, many brands are still neglecting this important step in the process – but why is that?
User experience has become a huge part of Google’s search algorithm and, as consumers increasingly more across devices and become more discerning about how they engage with brands online, the experience that brands deliver is now more important than ever.
But why is user experience testing still seen as something as an afterthought for many brands? Why do many brands simply release their new experiences to then ‘learn on the job’ about what does and doesn’t work for users.
In this edition of In Conversation, Andy Duke and Will Garbutt will make the case for thorough and efficient user testing, discuss what brands should and shouldn’t be testing, and what happens when brands don’t put their designs and experiences to the test.